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Amber's Fiction Book Recommendations
It's no secret, books are apart of my selfcare. A place like Barnes and Noble is peaceful & dreamy. An hour on the couch reading through cookbooks is so fulfilling, which is why Junky Janko Market has a selection of Cookbooks. If I could have a million little stores, this would be at the top: a little bookshop nestled into a quiet woody area with a coffee house & wine bar. And every month, a group of women would gather for book club and we'd have the best appetizers catered in. Or, what if it had a kitchen! And our bookclub was testing out recipes from cookbooks. Gah, a girl can dream. Thanks for coming along with me. Now back to reality. Here are some of my favorite books. And, if you buy them, girl code: share them with a girlfriend. pass the books! Also, check out your local library. I was 35 when I realized our local library was kinda like a Barnes and Noble!
Friend's Fiction Book Recommendations
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